“Raise your sail one foot and you get ten feet of wind”
- proverb
Bali to Raas was a nightmare for all 5 yachts that departed Lovina. We reduced
sail as we were literally flying amidst severe swell and wind of 25+ astern.
Others had shredded sails and minor damage after this leg. A rogue wave soaked
the cockpit (and the crew) and, after going the long way around the island, we
finally anchored the following morning. A fast tidy up was required as
sundowners were aboard Tientos that night
Trading boats are everywhere plying between islands |
Between a visit from the local police and fishermen selling
their catch, book swaps, morning teas and sundowners, we alternated yacht
visits over the next 3 days as everyone waited out the weather. We then
committed the cardinal sin of leaving on a Friday!
Another sunset |
overnighter saw us anchored in a flat anchorage on the north of Bawean. This
gave us the opportunity to stock up at the local market and enjoy the tranquillity
of this peaceful island.
Bawean Anchorage |
Polisi not interested in yachts checking in |
Parents love photos of their kids |
The smoke from Borneo was beginning to affect us all and
after it was decided we would head directly to Serutu, a few other yachts
decided they would join us.
The fleet in smoke |
This passage gave us some fantastic sailing;
goose-winged we reached over 7 knots which is a great speed for the old girl
(that is Tientos by the way). Once
again, rather than going west around Serutu, we decided to cut through the
strait between the two islands. Radio calls from other yachts said to drop our
main before we hit the strait but we were going so well (for a change)… with
seas as tall as the mast, we were funnelled through the strait and spat out the
other side! Memo to self, pay attention to those who have gone before! The
fastest main dropping ensued as night approached and we followed anchor lights
to a well deserved anchorage.
Serutu anchorage |
Vic and Marge (Ice Maiden) and Graeme and Lorraine
(Katani II) were promised Eggs Benedict upon arrival at Serutu, so a great
champagne breakfast for them, then dinner for the solo sailors, Michael
(Renaitre) and Peter, temporarily solo on 'Cool Change'.
May all your bars be wooden and well-stocked!